Saturday 7 December 2013

Christmas Party

Don't forget to RSPV about the Christmas Party happening on December 23. Follow the link for details and to RSVP if you haven't already.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

December Coaches Newsletter

December 2013

We would like to congratulate our November Athlete of the Month:

Emily Mackay

Coach’s note: Emily shows fantastic attention to detail and focus through each and every training session. Her execution of all of her skills has improved so much; we anticipate a very successful season for Emily. Her determination is inspiring and we are so proud of the progress she has been making. Keep up the excellent work!

Reminders and Updates:

1. David Kenwright Update
After several successful meetings with David over the past few months, as well as two sessions with our September and October Athlete’s of the Month, we are very excited to announce that David Kenwright will be joining us for a special group training day. This will take place on Monday December 23rd from 1:30-­‐3:30 for groups 1 & 2 and from 3:30-­‐5:30 for groups 3,4 & 5. David kindly requests that this be a "no parents" training session, to ensure maximum focus and quality of training. We ask that you please drop off your child for training and arrive no earlier than five minutes to pick them up at the end of practice. Thank you for your understanding. We are looking forward to a great day with David.

2. Christmas Training:
The Christmas training schedule has been emailed to all families and is also posted on the Communication Board. Please email the coaching staff if your child will be missing any training over the holidays.

3. Bell Ringer Challenge:
Through the month of November, we challenged our competitive athletes to achieve as many new skills as they could. We had 13 “bell ringers” throughout the month. Congratulations to Rowan, Mikayla, Sara Durante, Sarah Dias, Michelle, Taya, Sierra, Mackenzie, Hannah V, Lexie, Deandra and Paige on their fantastic accomplishments in November! We will be doing our prize draw on December 2nd, stay tuned for our bell ringer challenge winner!

4. Parent Viewing:
We are proud to have many supportive parents as part of our Splitz team, but would like to remind parents that occasional viewing is the best way to see progress and allow all athletes to get the most of their training sessions. With younger athletes, it is understandable that parents may need to stay throughout training for their sense of security. We would like to request that all Provincial level parents limit their viewing to the first or last 30 minutes of training, or the last training session of the month. We have observed that while it is fantastic that our athletes have such supportive parents, consistent viewing can serve as a distraction to athletes if parents become too involved in day-­‐to-­‐day training sessions.

5. Additional Training Sessions: 
When scheduling a private training session, please be sure that you email Renée and Tracy at to book a time and arrange payment through the Splitz office prior to your athlete’s session. If your session has not been confirmed with Splitz staff we will not be able to provide that training session.

6. Wednesday Morning Training:
The first month of Wednesday morning training has been completed, and what an excellent month it was! Our early morning participants have adjusted very well to their training time and are making excellent progress on their floor skills. Keep up the great work ladies!
*Reminder: if at any time your athlete would like to participate in these additional training sessions, please discuss with Renée and Tracy before completing the registration on the Parent Portal.

7. Splitz Competitive Team Christmas Party: 
The Competitive Team Christmas party will be Monday, December 23rd from 7-­‐10pm at Splitz. If you are able to come, please drop off your daughter at the gym with...

1. $5.00 to cover pizza and drink ( gluten free option will be available)

2. Snack if you wish -­ fruit/ veggies/treat ( no nut products please)

3. Wrapped Christmas ornament under $10.00 for gift exchange

4. Non-­ perishable food item(s) for Surrey food bank donation

If you would like to drop off money for pizza early, you may do so at the office in an envelope with your child's name on it.
The coaching staff is going to organize activities and games and supervise our girls all evening.
Hope you can make it!

Training Updates & Upcoming Events:

-North Shore Invitational: December 14th
Our level 4 and 5 Provincial will be competing in
this event, which will begin at 9:30am. We hope to see many of our team members come out to support our senior athletes!

-­WinterFest Registration Due: December 7th for all GymStart as well as select Provincial level 1 & 2.

-­Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational Registration Due: December 21st for all Provincial team members.

"Keep your dream in front of you. Never let it go regardless of how farfetched it might seem."
 - Hal Higdon

Tuesday 5 November 2013

2013/2014 Competition Calendar

At a glance

December 14-15
North Shore Invitational
North Vancouver
P3-5 only

December 21-22
Zone 3 BC Games Trials
P3-5 only

January 24-26
Winterfest- Aviva
P1-2 and Gymstart

February 14-16
Christy Fraser Invitational
All Provincial

February 20-23
BC Winter Games
P3-5 only

February 28-March 2
Surrey Classic
All Provincial

March 14-16
BC Provincial Championship/ Wild West Fest

April 3-6
Twisters Invitational
All Provincial

April 24- 27
Western Championships
P5 only

May 9-11
Delta Invitational
All Provincial

Splitz in house Competition, Gym Start Skill

Saturday 2 November 2013

November 2013, Coaches Newsletter

We would like to congratulate our October Athlete of the Month:

Deandra McNaught

Coach’s note
Deandra has put an exceptional amount of effort in to achieving her goals and conquering her fears this past month, and her hard work is really proving useful as she is progressing with each training day. As a multi-sport athlete Deandra has shown a lot of dedication to balancing the demands of her many athletic schedules and is determined to be the best she can be in every aspect of her life. We are so proud of you Deandra, you are a great example of what can be achieved with hard work and determination. Keep it up! 

 Reminders and Updates:

1. Team Wear Update: Bodysuits have been ordered and are in the process of being manufactured. All families will be receiving an email once the bodysuits have arrived with payment details and deadlines. The approximate pricing for the bodysuits is as follows:
Provincial Bodysuit $136
GymStart Bodysuit $60

Track Suits: All gymnasts who needed a new track suit have been sized, and you will be receiving notification on cost and payment deadline once the tracksuits have been received by Splitz.  

2. Competitive Communication Board: Please be sure to check the communication board located upstairs at Splitz for important training updates and competition schedules. Any healthy recipes to share? Send them to and we may be posting your recipe for everyone to try. Nutrition is an essential piece of every athlete’s training!

3. Christmas Training: As Splitz will be closed for regular classes from December 22-28th we will be having some alternate training times over this week for the Christmas holidays. Please stay tuned for the holiday training schedule! 

4. Competition Calendar: Our competitive team will be attending the following competitions this year:
North Shore Invitational: December 14-15
Splitz In-House Competition: January 18-19
Winterfest: January 25-26
Christy Fraser Invitational: February 14-16
Surrey Invitational: February 28-March 2
Provincial Championships: March 14-16 Kamloops
Wild West Fest: March 14-16 Kamloops
Twisters Invitational: April 3-6
Delta Invitational: May 9-11
Some of these competitions will not be offering all levels, so please check the Blog or Communication Board to view the full schedule which is broken down by level. 

5. Bell Ringer Challenge:  Through the month of November, the athletes will be challenged to achieve as many new skills as they can. When a child achieves a new skill at Splitz, they ring the bell and are able to show their new skill to everyone in the gym. We will keep track of the number of “bell ringers” to share with everyone in next month’s newsletter and each time an athlete rings the bell, they will be entered into a draw for a prize! Watch the communication board to track the number of bell ringers in November!

6. Coping with Fear: Fear is a very real part of gymnastics training, and every athlete is likely to face it at one time or another. The coaching staff is very invested in helping our athletes work through their fears and achieve all of their goals. If your child is experiencing fear and voices their concerns to you at home, please encourage them to talk with their coaches about their fears to formulate a plan to help them to move past it and reach their potential. If your child is experiencing fear, and you are unsure how to help them work through it, check out for some great tips. 

7. Additional Training: Additional private training sessions may be available to athletes on a case by case basis. If your gymnast feels that she is struggling in a particular aspect of her training, please bring your concerns to Tracy and Renée and private training may be arranged if all are in agreement that it would be beneficial. Private training sessions will be $35/ hour and will be arranged with Tracy and Renée with payment through the Parent Portal or through the office during office hours. 
Training Updates & Upcoming Events: 

Rememberance Day: There will be no training on Monday, November 11th as Splitz will be closed for Remembrance Day.
Our first competition is approaching quickly,  “Good Luck” to Mackenzie, Deandra, Jordanne and Hannah as they complete their pre-season preparations and head into the competition season!  T-minus 44 days!

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
~ Dale Carnegie

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Fall 2013 Newsletter

Welcome back to the pre-season everyone! 

The girls have all been progressing beautifully this month and we would like to welcome all of our new members to the team. If you see an unfamiliar face at practices we would like to encourage everyone to say hello and introduce themselves.

We would like to congratulate our September Athlete of the Month:

Courtney Snell

Coach’s note

Courtney has an extremely positive attitude through every training session and always puts 110% into what is asked of her. She is becoming a great role model for the younger team members at just 9 years of age. Courtney had a very successful summer with many new skills and has continued that momentum through the month of September.  Courtney’s determination is something to be admired. Keep up the fantastic work Courtney!

November Reminders:

1. As cold and flu season has arrived, please be sure to encourage your children to wash their hands, continue to eat well and get lots of rest. A proper diet full of vitamins and nutritious food helps to build a strong immune system, keeping those nasty germs away!

2. The rainy season is upon us and as such, coaches will be checking that all athletes are leaving with proper clothing for the change in weather, so please make sure that your child has a warm sweater or jacket as well as long pants when leaving the gym after their training session.

3. David Kenwright: After David’s observation of the additional training session in August, Tracy and Renée have met with David several times and received a lot of great feedback on the Splitz competitive program. David was very impressed with our team spirit and positive training atmosphere, which is very unique to Splitz. He has supplied the coaching staff with many excellent new drills and suggestions on how to make the Splitz competitive team as successful as possible. Plans for additional trainings sessions with David in the coming months are being devised, so stay tuned!

4. Event Themes: This season we have devised themes for each event, giving a new focus and direction to each event practice. The themes are as follows;
Vault- Explosive Power
Bars- Strength and Control 
Beam- Poise and Confidence
Floor- Dynamic movement
What does each of the themes mean to your athlete? These themes set the athletes up for the use of important key words, little reminders of what each event is about and where their focus should lie.

5. Program questions: Gymnastics is a very complex sport, and as such, many parents will often have questions. If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress or training plan, please do not hesitate to ask Renée or Tracy before, or after practice. If by chance we are not able to answer your question right away, please send an email to and we will respond as soon as possible! Clear lines of communication are the best path to success for all team members. 

6. Policy Changes: It has been brought to the attention of the coaching staff that some of our athletes have been looking to other gymnastics clubs for specialized event training in addition to their regular practices at Splitz. This sort of training is not permitted and can be detrimental to your athlete’s progress. Not all facilities have the same approach to teaching gymnastic skills and coaches outside of Splitz will be unfamiliar with our training program and certain techniques and approaches unique to the Splitz competitive program, putting your athlete at risk of injury.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s training or progress it is imperative that you discuss these concerns directly with the Competitive Directors (Tracy and Renée). After discussing any concerns with Tracy and Renée, alternative training plans may be arranged on a case by case basis.

7. Goal Setting: Helping your girls achieve their goals is our aim, and we have completed goal setting exercises with groups 1-4. Please remind your athlete to review their goals regularly and speak to their coaches regarding these goals if there are any questions.

8. Gym Homework: Flexibility and stretching is an integral part of all gymnastics training. Each athlete should be stretching outside of practice at least 5 nights per week. 10 minutes invested in flexibility per night will be extremely beneficial in the long run 
for even the most advanced gymnast.

9. Team Wear: New team bodysuits are in the process of being ordered. We are very excited to be ordering our suits from GymGear this year! GymGear is a Canadian bodysuit manufacturer based out of Alberta. You may9. be familiar with their creative bodysuit designs such as the “super hero” suits or “Angry Bird” suits from competitions. 

Provincial team members will be required to wear a long sleeved bodysuit as in past years, and pre-competitive (GymStart) team members will be ordering tank suits in the same style. 

Track suits are also in the process of being ordered from Ivivva again this season. If your gymnast has a tracksuit from last year, please have her try it on to be sure that it still fits. 

If your child will need a new tracksuit, or you are looking to buy or sell a used tracksuit please email Renée and Tracy by October 16th at If a used tracksuit is not available in your child’s size, a new one will be ordered in her size. Also, if we are unable to find a buyer for your used track suit, it will be returned to you.

Provincial Suit

Precompetitive Suit

Training Updates & Upcoming Events: 

Thanksgiving: There will be no training on Monday, October 14th as Splitz will be closed for Thanksgiving. The competitive coaching team at Splitz is very grateful for our fabulous gymnasts and their families. What is your athlete thankful for?    

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character." T. Alan Armstrong

Thursday 26 September 2013

Poker Night Fundraising Event

Poker Night

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Doors open at 6pm. Event begins at 7pm sharp
No minors
Port Kells Hall
$50 ticket price includes poker chips and appetizers (Cash bar)
$25 re-buys (for more chips)
Lots of great auction items
Cash Prizes tentatlively are $800 1st, $400 2nd, $200 3rd, $100 4th prize and $50 5th prize. (*dependent on ticket sales)

Ticket Sales
Our goal is to have each family sell four tickets. However, each family is required to sell a minimum of TWO tickets. Payment ($100) is due when we distribute the tickets. If you are not attending Poker Night, you will still be responsible for selling two tickets. Neighbours, school parents and friends may still want to attend this exciting event!! :)  If you are on facebook, create an event and invite all your poker friends.  Please contact me if you would like more than two to sell. We need to keep track of number of tickets actually sold. Our success depends on filling up the poker tables and selling out our event. Please try to sell your ticket to an outside source before asking another gymnasts family to use yours for their extra ticket needs.

Alcohol donations
We are asking for alcohol donations this year. Liquor sales are a major part of our funds raised. If we can cut out the expense of purchasing alcohol it will help our success. For each bottle of alcohol or case of beer donated, you will receive commitment points.  
This will be co-ordinated through Jill Popoff, please wait to hear from her before sending in your alcohol as she may provide a list of specific liquor she is looking for.

Volunteer Jobs
There are many positions that need to be filled. This is a great way to work off some commitment points!! Individuals volunteering with setup, work during the event and cleanup will earn 20points per hour. The following are committee leads that will earn more points:

Food Chair- Yvette and Steve Reid (daughter Selena)
Responsible for organizing the food donations (appetizers, desserts) each family is to bring. They will also run the kitchen during the poker event and make sure the appetizer tables stay filled and put food out when necessary. We will also find a couple volunteers to help with food during the night.

Silent Auction- Dodie McNaught (daughter Deandra)
Responsible for gathering silent auction items from each family. Wrapping items, printing auction sheets/description for the items, setting up the silent auction tables and making sure it is run smoothly during the event. The gymnasts can help with wrapping items to  get them involved.

Bar- Jill Popoff (daughter Lela)
We are looking for a parent/family friend who has Serving it Right and bar-tending experience!!! You would be responsible for running the cash bar for the evening.

Poker Coordinator - Chad Olafson 
Will run the poker game

The following jobs are awarded points per hour worked and will likely be in 4 hour shifts.  Number of volunteers needed for each job and other details to follow
Dealers- (20 points per hour)
We need a minimum of 10 dealers for the poker game. Don't worry if you don't know how! We will teach you. Last year the dealers did not have experience, but we had a few lessons before the event and they all had a blast!! Once we have our volunteer dealers we will arrange some practice sessions. Keep in mind that you may not have to deal the entire night. Once players start to lose out, we condense the tables. Your table could be shut down early.

Re-buys and Drink ticket sales- (20 points per hour)
Responsible for running the check in and sale tables. You will be checking the poker players in, selling re-buys (poker chips for those wanting to buy back in) and drink tickets.   

Set Up and Clean Up Crew (20 points per hour)
We need help setting up the chairs and tables and also cleaning up the hall right after the event. 

Runners- (20 points per hour)
We need a couple people who are willing to serve as runners and floaters. We may need you to run out for more supplies or float around the room helping with chip pick up, offering food/drinks or assisting with selling raffle tickets, etc.

Kitchen - (20 points per hour)
Will assist in the kitchen. Cooking items and replenishing food on tables.

Gymnast Posters/Square board - Tina Dunbar (daughter Jordanne)
In previous Poker Nights weve had the girls take part in a poster contests. Each gymnast made a poster (poster board from the dollar store) about what gymnastics means to them. The posters were amazing!!! Guests attending poker night got to vote on their favourite poster and the gymnasts won a prize. This is a great way to get the girls involved and show the guests what their donations are supporting. We will be asking each gymnast to make a poster again for the event.

Silent Auction donation and Food donation-
Each family will also be responsible for donating one silent auction prize (you will receive commitment points for items donated) and one food item for the night. The food coordinator will have a sign up sheet upstairs at the gym soon! There is an oven so you can bring a hot appetizer .

Thank you!!
Janet Vidovic

Thursday 25 July 2013

Summer Break Conditioning

Ask your Dad to demonstrate if you need a good laugh

Warm-Up:  Running. Swimming, or 5 minute warm-up: 1 minute each; running on the spot with high knees, bounding, squat jumps, jumping jacks, skipping .
  • Pike stretch with straight legs, 30 seconds pointed feet, 30 seconds flexed
  • 30 seconds each lunge, heel to bum, straight leg reach
  • 1 minutes each right, left and middle splits with square hips and pointed toes
  • 1 bridge with 10 rocks,10 kicks each leg, legs together, straight arms, triangle hands
  • Sitting tall in pike, 100 held flex and points *proper posture & tight legs*
  • 2x  45 seconds hold each front support, rear support, left and right side support
  • 60 seconds handstand hold against a wall tummy in and bum tight with straight arms *toes off tall shoulders*
  • 2x 25 V-Snaps
  • 60 second wall sit + 30 seconds each single leg wall sit
  • 2x 15 candle rocks & 15 each leg
  • 15 push ups elbows out, 15 elbows in, 15 tricep pushups
  • Standing in front of the wall, arms straight in front 30/30/30 heel raises feet together, heels together, toes together
  • 100 toe lifts
  • 40 mountain climbers
  • 30 second shape hold, 30 upper body lifts, 30 lower, 30 upper and lower, 30 rocks. Incurve, outcurve, and both sides
  • 2x 20 chair dips (hands on seat, stretch feet away and bend arms to 90degrees and back up)
  • 50 squats
  • 2x30 seconds handstand hold against the wall
  • 10 presses against wall

Repeat stretching

Summer Newsletter

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Team Photos

When it is

Sunday April 21, 7 to 9pm

Where to go


What you get

Each girl will receive an individual and team photo which will be funded directly by PDGS. The photographer will offer packages as well should parents want to purchase additional photos.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

KMS BBQ Fundraiser

Coming Up March 16


10am to 4pm

At KMS Tools Langley located across from Willowbrook Mall
Volunteers needed, especially those with Food Safe
Those that can help are asked to contact Darren Snell

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Highlights From North Shore Invitational

The 2013 North Shore Invitational took place February 15-17

We had 19 athletes participating in this event, and it was the first ever competition for 13 of them. All of the girls had a fantastic experience, we had 14 girls placing all around including 3 all around champions.

Provincial 1 Argo
Selina Reid- 3rd on Vault, 2nd on Bars, 7th on Floor, 7th All Around
Courtney Snell- 6th on Bars, 11th on Beam, 12th All Around
Téah Best- 4th on Vault, 9th on Bars, 9th on Beam, 11th on Floor, 8th All Around

Provincial 1 Tyro
Lexie Borthwick- 4th on Vault, 1st on Bars, 1st on Beam, 2nd on Floor, 2nd All Around
Danielle Wong- 6th on Vault, 3rd on Bars, 6th on Beam, 5th on Floor, 5th All Around
Sierra McMurdo- 6th on Vault, 6th on Bars, 9th on Beam, 4th on Floor, 8th All Around
Emily Mackay- 8th on Vault, 7th on Bars, 5th on Beam, 1st on Floor, 6th All Around

Provincial 1 Novice
Sarah Dias- 1st on Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor and 1st All Around
Taya Velikajne- 2nd on Vault, 4th on Bars, 2nd on Beam, 2nd on Floor, 2nd All Around

Provincial 2 Tyro
Madison Murphy- 9th on Vault, 11th on Floor
Sophie Michaud- 6th on Beam, 8th on Floor
Lela Popoff- 3rd on Vault, 6th on Bars, 5th on Beam, 3rd on Floor, 4th All Around

Provincial 2 Novice
Cobi Rowse- 5th on Vault, 8th on Bars, 3rd on Floor, 9th All Around
Cassidy Redpath- 10th on Vault, 9th on Beam
Olivia Moore- 9th on Vault, 7th on Floor
Brittany Fiolleau- 10th on Vault

Provincial 3 Tyro
Hannah Volpe- 5th on Vault, 4th on Bars, 5th on Beam, 3rd on Floor, 4th All Around

Provincial 4 Novice
Deandra McNaught- 1st on Vault, 6th on Bars, 1st on Beam, 8th on Floor, 5th All Around

Provincial 4 Open
Jordanne Dunbar- 2nd on Vault, 4th on Bars, 2nd on Beam, 5th on Floor, 1st All Around

The coaching staff and parents could not be prouder of how well all of the Splitz athletes performed over the weekend, each athlete accomplished something they had never achieved before.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

It's never too late...

To remember the great times shared with friends

Christmas Bowling Party 2012




Monday 11 February 2013

Coach's Winter Newsletter

Splitz Competitive Newsletter    

Winter 2013

We are all thoroughly enjoying the upgrades to the gym with the new foam and amazing lighting. Thank you so much to Tarn, Cris and our parent volunteers for making these improvements possible!!

We would like to congratulate our December Athlete of the Month: 

Eve Exner

Coach’s note: Eve has been working extremely hard on her flexibility and in all aspects of her gymnastics over the past few months. We are all extremely proud of the progress she has made after suffering a broken foot earlier this season. She is an extremely strong little lady and a very dedicated worker. Great job Eve!

Winter News and Reminders:

  1. There will be no training this
    Monday, February 11, 2013 for Family Day. I hope you all enjoy the day with those you hold most dear!
  2. If you have not yet had a Coach/Parent meeting with Renée
    and Tracy there is a new sign up sheet posted on the competitive team bulletin board! Please schedule your meeting ASAP to ensure that you get a time!
  3. A special “Thank you” to Michelle Michaud for sharing her nutrition
    expertise and some excellent tips at the latest PDGS meeting. I hope you all learned something new!
  4. With the start of competition season comes the dreaded question, “What do I do with her hair??” Well over the years I have come across a few hair ‘blogs’ with some fantastic hair-­‐ do’s for those of you who may either be hair challenged or are just looking for some new and creative ideas for competition hair.
    Here are a few of my favorites:
    -­‐ this one is great, it even categorizes the hairstyles by the amount of time.
    I hope this will prevent some of you from pulling out your own hair!
    5. We would like to say a big “Welcome!” to the newest member
    of the Splitz coaching team, Jeff Pauliuk. Jeff has over 30 years of experience coaching both men’s and women’s gymnastics and we are very excited to have him join the Splitz family!
    6. A job well done to all of our GymStart ladies at the Winterfest
    Physical evaluation that took place January 25th! Many of our girls received their highest scores to date. Great work girls! Congratulations to all of our competitive girls for such a fantastic effort at the I Love Gymnastics in-­‐ house competition last weekend! It was a huge success!

    Upcoming Events:
    North Shore Invitational February 15-­17 Good Luck to all provincial team members in their first full competition of the season!

    Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational
    All Competitive team members will be participating in this event. We would like to wish a special good luck to all of our Provincial Level 2 gymnasts at the Zone 3 Trials for Provincial Championships.

    Splitz Rocks!!

Saturday 2 February 2013

I Love Gymanstics Meet

Hello Everyone!

Our SPLITZ I LOVE GYMNASTICS meet is approaching quickly! Pleases see below for your daughter’s competition time and remember all athletes must come dressed in their Splitz bodysuit and tracksuit with their hair tied back neatly.

Just a reminder that the competition will be held at Splitz, as our parking lot is small you may want to park across the street in the PriceSmart area.

Our 16 & 18 hour groups have been working together to prepare a short display for all of you to enjoy as part of our little competition, so if your child is finished at 3:00pm, please stick around, and to those in the 6 hour Provincial group whose warm up begins at 3:30, please arrive at 3:00pm to watch the display.

To those in the display please arrive at 2:50pm to run through choreography and prepare for the show!

Session 2: 1:15-3:00 (Drop off at 1:00)

All GymStart level 1 & 2 participants

Session 3: 3:30-6:00

(Drop off at 3:00)
* 16 and 18 hour groups please drop off at 2:50 to prepare for display

All Provincial level participants
6 Hour Provincial 16 Hour Provincial 18 Hour Provincial

McMurdo Reid Vidovic
Best Murphy Moore
Borthwick Michaud Redpath
Mackay Wong Popoff
Velikajne Bush Volpe
Fiolleau Snell McNaught
Dias Dunbar
Rowse Arnold

Give it your best and have fun

Thursday 24 January 2013

Best of Luck Geroy Simon

On behalf of Pacific Dynamo Gymnastics Club let me wish Geroy Simon all the best as he moves on to the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Geroy's positivity and integrity are inspirational. He is a brilliant example to our athletes; showing what is possible when you combine talent with hard work and perseverance.

Thank you Geroy, for your outstanding contribution to our club. And thank you for entertaining us as a Lion for all those seasons.

I think we will all be cheering for "Rider Green" next season.

Best of luck.

Monday 7 January 2013

KMS BBQ Fundraiser

Special thanks to those who helped make the Tree Chip event a great success

KMS Tools in Langley 

is helping us with a fundraiser event

to be held on Saturday January 19, 10:20 til 4:00

at 110 Langley Bypass, Langley

KMS tools is supplying the meat ( hot dogs) etc and the BBQ's and all we need to do is provide a few adults to run the BBQ and some girls to do some gymnastics.

We are in need of people who have Food safe. The time frame given is 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

This is a great opportunity, but we need to have some adults who have their Safe Food ticket. 

Please contact Jeff Bush or Lorraine Rizzardo if you can help out.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Some Important Dates Coming Up

Splitz I Love Gymnastics Meet: Registration due by January 20th *All Provincial & GymStart Skills 

Location: Splitz Gymnastics

Date: February 2, 2013

Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational: Registration due by January 28th *All Provincial & GymStart Skills 

Location: Langley Events Center 

Date: March 8-10

BC Championships: Registration due by February 20th * For Provincial level 3-5 and GymStart Level 4 only. Provincial Level 2 will be permitted to register after Zone Trials on March 8-10

Location: Northern Sport Centre, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George

Date: April 5-7

Aviva Cup: Registration due by February 20th *For Level 1 and GymStart Skills only. Provincial Level 2 will be permitted to register after Zone Trials on March 8-10

Location: Centennial Senior Secondary, 570 Poirier St., Coquitlam, BC

Date: April 27-28

Delta Invitational: Registration due by March 1st * Provincial Levels Only

Location: Ladner Leisure Center

Date: May 10-12

Ogopogo Invitational: Registration due by April 11th * Provincial Levels Only

Location: UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, BC

Date: May 31-June 2

Deadline for track suits is this Wednesday January 9th. 

January 14-20 ---Fall/Winter Progress Reports to be handed out

January 21-30---Coach-Parent Meetings By request/appointment

January 15---PDGS General Meeting, 7pm

At a Glance





