Wednesday 20 February 2013

Highlights From North Shore Invitational

The 2013 North Shore Invitational took place February 15-17

We had 19 athletes participating in this event, and it was the first ever competition for 13 of them. All of the girls had a fantastic experience, we had 14 girls placing all around including 3 all around champions.

Provincial 1 Argo
Selina Reid- 3rd on Vault, 2nd on Bars, 7th on Floor, 7th All Around
Courtney Snell- 6th on Bars, 11th on Beam, 12th All Around
Téah Best- 4th on Vault, 9th on Bars, 9th on Beam, 11th on Floor, 8th All Around

Provincial 1 Tyro
Lexie Borthwick- 4th on Vault, 1st on Bars, 1st on Beam, 2nd on Floor, 2nd All Around
Danielle Wong- 6th on Vault, 3rd on Bars, 6th on Beam, 5th on Floor, 5th All Around
Sierra McMurdo- 6th on Vault, 6th on Bars, 9th on Beam, 4th on Floor, 8th All Around
Emily Mackay- 8th on Vault, 7th on Bars, 5th on Beam, 1st on Floor, 6th All Around

Provincial 1 Novice
Sarah Dias- 1st on Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor and 1st All Around
Taya Velikajne- 2nd on Vault, 4th on Bars, 2nd on Beam, 2nd on Floor, 2nd All Around

Provincial 2 Tyro
Madison Murphy- 9th on Vault, 11th on Floor
Sophie Michaud- 6th on Beam, 8th on Floor
Lela Popoff- 3rd on Vault, 6th on Bars, 5th on Beam, 3rd on Floor, 4th All Around

Provincial 2 Novice
Cobi Rowse- 5th on Vault, 8th on Bars, 3rd on Floor, 9th All Around
Cassidy Redpath- 10th on Vault, 9th on Beam
Olivia Moore- 9th on Vault, 7th on Floor
Brittany Fiolleau- 10th on Vault

Provincial 3 Tyro
Hannah Volpe- 5th on Vault, 4th on Bars, 5th on Beam, 3rd on Floor, 4th All Around

Provincial 4 Novice
Deandra McNaught- 1st on Vault, 6th on Bars, 1st on Beam, 8th on Floor, 5th All Around

Provincial 4 Open
Jordanne Dunbar- 2nd on Vault, 4th on Bars, 2nd on Beam, 5th on Floor, 1st All Around

The coaching staff and parents could not be prouder of how well all of the Splitz athletes performed over the weekend, each athlete accomplished something they had never achieved before.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

It's never too late...

To remember the great times shared with friends

Christmas Bowling Party 2012




Monday 11 February 2013

Coach's Winter Newsletter

Splitz Competitive Newsletter    

Winter 2013

We are all thoroughly enjoying the upgrades to the gym with the new foam and amazing lighting. Thank you so much to Tarn, Cris and our parent volunteers for making these improvements possible!!

We would like to congratulate our December Athlete of the Month: 

Eve Exner

Coach’s note: Eve has been working extremely hard on her flexibility and in all aspects of her gymnastics over the past few months. We are all extremely proud of the progress she has made after suffering a broken foot earlier this season. She is an extremely strong little lady and a very dedicated worker. Great job Eve!

Winter News and Reminders:

  1. There will be no training this
    Monday, February 11, 2013 for Family Day. I hope you all enjoy the day with those you hold most dear!
  2. If you have not yet had a Coach/Parent meeting with Renée
    and Tracy there is a new sign up sheet posted on the competitive team bulletin board! Please schedule your meeting ASAP to ensure that you get a time!
  3. A special “Thank you” to Michelle Michaud for sharing her nutrition
    expertise and some excellent tips at the latest PDGS meeting. I hope you all learned something new!
  4. With the start of competition season comes the dreaded question, “What do I do with her hair??” Well over the years I have come across a few hair ‘blogs’ with some fantastic hair-­‐ do’s for those of you who may either be hair challenged or are just looking for some new and creative ideas for competition hair.
    Here are a few of my favorites:
    -­‐ this one is great, it even categorizes the hairstyles by the amount of time.
    I hope this will prevent some of you from pulling out your own hair!
    5. We would like to say a big “Welcome!” to the newest member
    of the Splitz coaching team, Jeff Pauliuk. Jeff has over 30 years of experience coaching both men’s and women’s gymnastics and we are very excited to have him join the Splitz family!
    6. A job well done to all of our GymStart ladies at the Winterfest
    Physical evaluation that took place January 25th! Many of our girls received their highest scores to date. Great work girls! Congratulations to all of our competitive girls for such a fantastic effort at the I Love Gymnastics in-­‐ house competition last weekend! It was a huge success!

    Upcoming Events:
    North Shore Invitational February 15-­17 Good Luck to all provincial team members in their first full competition of the season!

    Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational
    All Competitive team members will be participating in this event. We would like to wish a special good luck to all of our Provincial Level 2 gymnasts at the Zone 3 Trials for Provincial Championships.

    Splitz Rocks!!

Saturday 2 February 2013

I Love Gymanstics Meet

Hello Everyone!

Our SPLITZ I LOVE GYMNASTICS meet is approaching quickly! Pleases see below for your daughter’s competition time and remember all athletes must come dressed in their Splitz bodysuit and tracksuit with their hair tied back neatly.

Just a reminder that the competition will be held at Splitz, as our parking lot is small you may want to park across the street in the PriceSmart area.

Our 16 & 18 hour groups have been working together to prepare a short display for all of you to enjoy as part of our little competition, so if your child is finished at 3:00pm, please stick around, and to those in the 6 hour Provincial group whose warm up begins at 3:30, please arrive at 3:00pm to watch the display.

To those in the display please arrive at 2:50pm to run through choreography and prepare for the show!

Session 2: 1:15-3:00 (Drop off at 1:00)

All GymStart level 1 & 2 participants

Session 3: 3:30-6:00

(Drop off at 3:00)
* 16 and 18 hour groups please drop off at 2:50 to prepare for display

All Provincial level participants
6 Hour Provincial 16 Hour Provincial 18 Hour Provincial

McMurdo Reid Vidovic
Best Murphy Moore
Borthwick Michaud Redpath
Mackay Wong Popoff
Velikajne Bush Volpe
Fiolleau Snell McNaught
Dias Dunbar
Rowse Arnold

Give it your best and have fun