Thursday 25 July 2013

Summer Break Conditioning

Ask your Dad to demonstrate if you need a good laugh

Warm-Up:  Running. Swimming, or 5 minute warm-up: 1 minute each; running on the spot with high knees, bounding, squat jumps, jumping jacks, skipping .
  • Pike stretch with straight legs, 30 seconds pointed feet, 30 seconds flexed
  • 30 seconds each lunge, heel to bum, straight leg reach
  • 1 minutes each right, left and middle splits with square hips and pointed toes
  • 1 bridge with 10 rocks,10 kicks each leg, legs together, straight arms, triangle hands
  • Sitting tall in pike, 100 held flex and points *proper posture & tight legs*
  • 2x  45 seconds hold each front support, rear support, left and right side support
  • 60 seconds handstand hold against a wall tummy in and bum tight with straight arms *toes off tall shoulders*
  • 2x 25 V-Snaps
  • 60 second wall sit + 30 seconds each single leg wall sit
  • 2x 15 candle rocks & 15 each leg
  • 15 push ups elbows out, 15 elbows in, 15 tricep pushups
  • Standing in front of the wall, arms straight in front 30/30/30 heel raises feet together, heels together, toes together
  • 100 toe lifts
  • 40 mountain climbers
  • 30 second shape hold, 30 upper body lifts, 30 lower, 30 upper and lower, 30 rocks. Incurve, outcurve, and both sides
  • 2x 20 chair dips (hands on seat, stretch feet away and bend arms to 90degrees and back up)
  • 50 squats
  • 2x30 seconds handstand hold against the wall
  • 10 presses against wall

Repeat stretching

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