Thursday 26 September 2013

Poker Night Fundraising Event

Poker Night

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Doors open at 6pm. Event begins at 7pm sharp
No minors
Port Kells Hall
$50 ticket price includes poker chips and appetizers (Cash bar)
$25 re-buys (for more chips)
Lots of great auction items
Cash Prizes tentatlively are $800 1st, $400 2nd, $200 3rd, $100 4th prize and $50 5th prize. (*dependent on ticket sales)

Ticket Sales
Our goal is to have each family sell four tickets. However, each family is required to sell a minimum of TWO tickets. Payment ($100) is due when we distribute the tickets. If you are not attending Poker Night, you will still be responsible for selling two tickets. Neighbours, school parents and friends may still want to attend this exciting event!! :)  If you are on facebook, create an event and invite all your poker friends.  Please contact me if you would like more than two to sell. We need to keep track of number of tickets actually sold. Our success depends on filling up the poker tables and selling out our event. Please try to sell your ticket to an outside source before asking another gymnasts family to use yours for their extra ticket needs.

Alcohol donations
We are asking for alcohol donations this year. Liquor sales are a major part of our funds raised. If we can cut out the expense of purchasing alcohol it will help our success. For each bottle of alcohol or case of beer donated, you will receive commitment points.  
This will be co-ordinated through Jill Popoff, please wait to hear from her before sending in your alcohol as she may provide a list of specific liquor she is looking for.

Volunteer Jobs
There are many positions that need to be filled. This is a great way to work off some commitment points!! Individuals volunteering with setup, work during the event and cleanup will earn 20points per hour. The following are committee leads that will earn more points:

Food Chair- Yvette and Steve Reid (daughter Selena)
Responsible for organizing the food donations (appetizers, desserts) each family is to bring. They will also run the kitchen during the poker event and make sure the appetizer tables stay filled and put food out when necessary. We will also find a couple volunteers to help with food during the night.

Silent Auction- Dodie McNaught (daughter Deandra)
Responsible for gathering silent auction items from each family. Wrapping items, printing auction sheets/description for the items, setting up the silent auction tables and making sure it is run smoothly during the event. The gymnasts can help with wrapping items to  get them involved.

Bar- Jill Popoff (daughter Lela)
We are looking for a parent/family friend who has Serving it Right and bar-tending experience!!! You would be responsible for running the cash bar for the evening.

Poker Coordinator - Chad Olafson 
Will run the poker game

The following jobs are awarded points per hour worked and will likely be in 4 hour shifts.  Number of volunteers needed for each job and other details to follow
Dealers- (20 points per hour)
We need a minimum of 10 dealers for the poker game. Don't worry if you don't know how! We will teach you. Last year the dealers did not have experience, but we had a few lessons before the event and they all had a blast!! Once we have our volunteer dealers we will arrange some practice sessions. Keep in mind that you may not have to deal the entire night. Once players start to lose out, we condense the tables. Your table could be shut down early.

Re-buys and Drink ticket sales- (20 points per hour)
Responsible for running the check in and sale tables. You will be checking the poker players in, selling re-buys (poker chips for those wanting to buy back in) and drink tickets.   

Set Up and Clean Up Crew (20 points per hour)
We need help setting up the chairs and tables and also cleaning up the hall right after the event. 

Runners- (20 points per hour)
We need a couple people who are willing to serve as runners and floaters. We may need you to run out for more supplies or float around the room helping with chip pick up, offering food/drinks or assisting with selling raffle tickets, etc.

Kitchen - (20 points per hour)
Will assist in the kitchen. Cooking items and replenishing food on tables.

Gymnast Posters/Square board - Tina Dunbar (daughter Jordanne)
In previous Poker Nights weve had the girls take part in a poster contests. Each gymnast made a poster (poster board from the dollar store) about what gymnastics means to them. The posters were amazing!!! Guests attending poker night got to vote on their favourite poster and the gymnasts won a prize. This is a great way to get the girls involved and show the guests what their donations are supporting. We will be asking each gymnast to make a poster again for the event.

Silent Auction donation and Food donation-
Each family will also be responsible for donating one silent auction prize (you will receive commitment points for items donated) and one food item for the night. The food coordinator will have a sign up sheet upstairs at the gym soon! There is an oven so you can bring a hot appetizer .

Thank you!!
Janet Vidovic