Friday 28 December 2012

Christmas Tree Chipping Event

Splitz / PDGS Christmas Tree Chipping Event


Sunday, January 6, 11am til 4pm


At the Holiday Inn 17530 64 Ave, Across from Splitz


Trees chipped by donation, proceeds support PDGS

 The presents are all opened and the Christmas fun has turned into New Years fun. The once beautiful Christmas tree has turned into a dried up, needle dropping mess. Time to move on.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Splitz Competitive Newsletter

December 2012

We would like to congratulate our November Athlete of the Month:

Deandra McNaught

Coach’s note: Deandra is one of our 18-­‐hour gymnasts who is currently Provincial level 4 and working very hard to achieve her goal of Provincial level 5. Deandra comes to training every day with a positive attitude and is extremely self motivated. Deandra has been making fantastic progress with her skills this fall and is well on her way to having a very successful year! We are so proud of you Deandra!

December Reminders:

1. “Thank-­‐you” to Terry Thrale – Our Communications Liaison for PDGS for putting together a great blog to keep everyone informed with the latest happenings with the PDGS/Splitz team. Be sure to check it often at

2. The Christmas season is here! Just a reminder that there will be an altered training schedule from December 23-­‐ 31, with no training December 25-­‐29.
The altered schedule is as follows:

3. Michelle Michaud will be speaking at the next PDGS meeting about proper nutrition for young athletes as well as some suggestions for break time snacks. Michelle is a registered dietician with Surrey Memorial Hospital as well as an avid runner. Her experience with running marathons as well as being a busy gym mom makes her an excellent resource for quick on the go nutrition ideas.

4. Break Time: Each group is given 15 minutes in the middle of their scheduled training time to rest, recharge, re-­‐hydrate and have a bite to eat. The coaching team has been checking snacks this month to make sure that each child has a healthy, substantial snack to keep them energized for the remainder of their training session.
Please try to encourage your child to leave their iPods and other devices at home and use their break time for it’s intended purpose.

5. The coaching team would like to encourage all athletes to stretch every night to help improve their flexibility and prevent sore muscles from conditioning. We would also like to remind Provincial gymnasts to continue practicing their floor and beam choreography at home or on holiday if the Christmas season is whisking your family away on a vacation.
If you will be away over the Christmas break please let Renée know so that she may supply your child with a stretching and
conditioning list.

Upcoming Events:

Registration for North Shore Invitational for all Provincial team members is due December 21st.
Registration for the Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational is now online for GymStart Skills as well as all Provincial levels.

From the entire Splitz Competitive coaching team to each and every one of you, Merry Christmas!!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle

Thursday 13 December 2012

Competitive Training Schedule over Christmas

Please note this is not the same as the Splitz Schedule posted previously

23-Dec 24-Dec 30-Dec 31-Dec
6 hr GS 12:00-2:00 9:00am-11:00am 2:00-4:00pm 10:00am-12pm
6 Hr Prov 12:00-3:00 1:30-4:30pm 4:00-7:00pm 7:30-10:30 am
12 Hour OFF 1:00-5:00pm 2:00pm-6:00pm 8am-12pm
16 Hour 12:00-4:00 9:00-1:00pm 2:00pm-6:00pm 7:30am-11:30pm
18 Hour 11:30-4 9:00-1:30pm 2:00pm-6:30pm 7:30am-12pm

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Purchase Your Cruise Tickets

Don't Get Left Behind

Cruise Lottery tickets are still available


They are only $20 and yes, they will fit inside a stocking

Fantastic chance to win

Contact Lori Redpath for ticket purchases

Tuesday 11 December 2012

New Foam Pit Anyone?

Looks like a new and improved foam pit is in the works

Not that there is anything wrong with the old one. But won't it be nice to land in a soft, fluffy, clean foam pit?

At the most recent PDGS meeting

The topic of the club assisting with the refurbishment and renovation of the foam pit was discussed at the most recent PDGS meeting. The matter was put to a vote and it was decided that PDGS would take part in making this a reality. Stay tuned for details....

Word is that the new stuff will include covered foam.

How good is that?

Splitz Christmas Schedule

For your convenience


Friday 7 December 2012

Gymnastics Resouces

There's a lot of great information out there on gymnastics and sport. Informative, motivational, inspirational and educational. Here are some useful sites that are worth looking at.

Gymnastics Canada

Meet our national teams, learn about upcoming big time competitions, get an overview of the big picture of gymnastics in Canada. A great resource for gymnasts and coaches. Plenty of links to other relevant information.

Gymnastics BC

Here's the place to go for information about the many different programs and levels available in our province. Of particular note to our group are the pages dedicated to Gymstart and Canadian Provincial Program. Important reading for those curious about where our athletes are, where they can go and how they can get there.


Coaching Association of Canada

Lets not forget to support our coaches. Here's a great resource for those who are already coaching, those who would like to coach, and those who are making coaching their career. Relevant to our club is some material specifically for women in coaching and a loads more.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Fundscrip Giftcard Fundraiser


Fundscrip is an innovative program that lets you earn cash rebates for your organization based on things you buy everyday like groceries, gas and other household items. Every month you spend hundreds of dollars for things like food, gas, clothing, pharmacy, restaurants, electronics, home
renovations, department stores, and so on.

Take advantage of this program

All you have to do is pay for some or all of your purchases using GIFT CARDS bought at face value from FundScrip participating retailers and a percentage of every gift card purchased is contributed to your group’s fundraising efforts.

No Donations

No sympathy purchases

No  door-to-door sales

Most fundraisers ask you to take out your checkbook to buy things you don’t want or need….
Fundscrip costs you nothing. You make your usual visit to the grocery store. You fill your
cart and go to the check out. Instead of paying with cash or a debit card, you use a gift card that you purchased through our group. It costs you nothing extra but you just earned money for your group.

Ask family & friend to support our group? We encourage everyone to invite their family members,
friends, co-workers and neighbors to participate in FundScrip as well. After all, they probably buy groceries and gas, just like you do. You could give them an order form and they can order at the same time.


The deadline to send in your order forms is December 7th, 2012

Order forms and list of participating retailers was emailed to all PDGS families. Please inquire if you haven't received. Find more information on the fundscrip website.

Questions? Please contact: Lori Redpath – 604-596-0624

Cheques are payable to: Lori Redpath

Orders will be ready to be picked up on December 14th, 2012 at Splitz



Cruise Lottery Fundraiser

Chance to win a 7 Day Cruise

Tickets are available for $20 each.

Chances are good

Each ticket has a 1 in 325 chance to win


Winner can choose between 3 cruise destinations

  1. 7 Day Alaska Inside Passage trip for 2
  2. 7 Day Caribbean trip for 2
  3. 7 Day Mexican Riviera trip for 2
Up to 1 year to use winning ticket. Winner could also opt for $2000 value towards a different cruise.

Visit for details. 

Contact Lori Redpath, for ticket inquiries and further information.


Saturday 1 December 2012

Christmas Bowling Party


Splitz is going Bowling!!!

When?... Sunday, Dec.16 3:45pm-6:00pm

Where?... Clover Lanes 5814 -176 A Street

What to bring...

  •  Money for dinner.
  • A wrapped secret Santa gift under $7

Who's invited...

all competitive girls parents and coaches. 

How much $$$

3 options...

1. $13.00 includes bowling, grilled cheese or nachos and cheese and pop

2. $14.00 includes bowling, pizza and pop

3. $16.00 includes bowling , chicken strips and pop

*You can order your food when you get to the party.

The girls will "glow in the dark" bowl from 4-5 pm and then we will eat, play games, and do our Secret Santa exchange.

RSVP Mary-Ellen Moore ( Olivia's Mom) via email (

Parents check out the Clover Lanes website for other menu items !

Any parents who are willing to bake or bring some treats would be appreciated! Just let Mary-Ellen know if you are able :)

See you then!