Tuesday 18 December 2012

Splitz Competitive Newsletter

December 2012

We would like to congratulate our November Athlete of the Month:

Deandra McNaught

Coach’s note: Deandra is one of our 18-­‐hour gymnasts who is currently Provincial level 4 and working very hard to achieve her goal of Provincial level 5. Deandra comes to training every day with a positive attitude and is extremely self motivated. Deandra has been making fantastic progress with her skills this fall and is well on her way to having a very successful year! We are so proud of you Deandra!

December Reminders:

1. “Thank-­‐you” to Terry Thrale – Our Communications Liaison for PDGS for putting together a great blog to keep everyone informed with the latest happenings with the PDGS/Splitz team. Be sure to check it often at http://pacificdynamo.blogspot.ca

2. The Christmas season is here! Just a reminder that there will be an altered training schedule from December 23-­‐ 31, with no training December 25-­‐29.
The altered schedule is as follows:

3. Michelle Michaud will be speaking at the next PDGS meeting about proper nutrition for young athletes as well as some suggestions for break time snacks. Michelle is a registered dietician with Surrey Memorial Hospital as well as an avid runner. Her experience with running marathons as well as being a busy gym mom makes her an excellent resource for quick on the go nutrition ideas.

4. Break Time: Each group is given 15 minutes in the middle of their scheduled training time to rest, recharge, re-­‐hydrate and have a bite to eat. The coaching team has been checking snacks this month to make sure that each child has a healthy, substantial snack to keep them energized for the remainder of their training session.
Please try to encourage your child to leave their iPods and other devices at home and use their break time for it’s intended purpose.

5. The coaching team would like to encourage all athletes to stretch every night to help improve their flexibility and prevent sore muscles from conditioning. We would also like to remind Provincial gymnasts to continue practicing their floor and beam choreography at home or on holiday if the Christmas season is whisking your family away on a vacation.
If you will be away over the Christmas break please let Renée know so that she may supply your child with a stretching and
conditioning list.

Upcoming Events:

Registration for North Shore Invitational for all Provincial team members is due December 21st.
Registration for the Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational is now online for GymStart Skills as well as all Provincial levels.

From the entire Splitz Competitive coaching team to each and every one of you, Merry Christmas!!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle

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